Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Saving BIG.....With A Little Patience!

Y’all might not know this about me, but I LOVE saving money! In fact, I’m quite good at getting a deal on just about ANYTHING! After living in the insanely expensive state of California for several years, I learned quickly how to stretch a dollar. Now, I don’t do that crazy couponing like some, mostly because I don’t need (nor do I have the storage space for) 10 boxes of cereal at a time!  Instead, I’m a very patient shopper. I cut coupons out for the usual things on my list and wait patiently while I watch and search for sales on those items. The one thing I have to be mindful of is the expiration date on the coupon.

If you’ve noticed, most things that have coupons in the Sunday paper are already on sale for that week. I figure the stores and manufacturers are somehow in cahoots and those coupons are ways to get warm bodies into their stores-- not just to buy the products on sale, but to load up on other things while there.

But, those planned sales aren’t always the best deals. I usually do the all the comparisons and scenarios of total cost from different retailers. Fortunately for me, I live in the city and have all of the major retailers within a 5 mile radius of home, so it’s quick and easy to compare on my regular shopping trips.  If the deal isn’t that much less than what I usually pay, I’ll wait.  

I keep a “watch” list for those items in the Notes app on my iPhone and add prices when I’m in the stores that way I can determine which retailer will give me the biggest savings! After all, it’s my money and I work hard for it. I don’t want to throw it away simply because the purchase was convenient. I’ll end up paying substantially more, and over time, that money adds up.

If you are flexible in your purchasing, sometimes it pays to try a different product. Companies often have ridiculously cheap deals for the opportunity to get their products in your home. If you need pain reliever and the active ingredient is acetaminophen, you might find a coupon for another brand name with the same active ingredient at a much lower cost. Keep your eyes peeled and stay informed. For me, being an informed and flexible shopper has saved me a lot of money over the years.

Sample deal from this week:
-          Community Coffee was on sale at Albertson’s for $3.99/each. I had a coupon for $4 off two bags!  Total price for (2): $3.98!! A savings of $4!! Now I can face my mornings with ease.

I cut out that coupon about 3 weeks ago when the bags were on sale for $5.99 each. So, that’s where a little patience pays off! I already had coffee so I was not in any hurry to make a purchase.

So, I ask you…..would you like to take an extra weekend trip somewhere this year? Well, get out there and shop around! You have the potential to save more than $1,000 per year just by being conscientious and minding your pennies! Good luck! --Birdie

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